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F519 Optical Transmission Platform
F519 Optical Transmission Platform Series has three form factors: the F519-CH04, F519-CH08 and F519-CH19. It is widely used in operators, energy and power, broadcasting, security and other fields.
The F519 Optical Transmission Platform is mainly used in network access layer and aggregation layer. It supports multi kinds of sub cards used in service access. F519 is specialized in optical transmission & optical protection service ; it supports optical fiber sensing, optical crossing monitoring and optical fiber monitoring.
F519 platform is suitable for CWDM/DWDM/OLP/RTFS scenario. It supports for more than 30 kinds of service cards such as DBA/DPA/DRA/OTU/OLP/RB/ODM/ODU/AAWG/FEC/OSC/DCM, etc.